Why is my postal pcr test taking so long

Why is my postal pcr test taking so long

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NHS Coronavirus information. Information from gov. Mumsnet hasn't checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. If you have health concerns, please seek medical attention. Related: Lockdown Learningdiscuss home schooling during why is my postal pcr test taking so long. My Dh had a pcr test yesterday morning and we are still waiting for results. I know it can take up to 3 days but every test we've done we've had results back by morning and luckily all been negative.

Logn fact this one is taking so long I'm stressing it's gonna be positive! I would imagine it's because there has been a big increase in cases so takng people are lostal tested, /9375.txt don't think it's anything to do with the test results.

Fingers crossed it's negative. Try not to worry. My DH had one last Friday lunchtime and didn't get the results till Saturday at 6pm. It was negative. Think they're just very busy. We thought the same though! When my step brother's family tested they got the first нажмите для продолжения result on the Tues, pdr two negatives a couple of days later then two more positives at the weekend. Thankyou everyone. His result has just come through and negative. Hope everyone who tested positive is feeling ok.

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Watch thread Flip. Would it take longer to get Pcr result if you test positive? OP's перейти на страницу See next See all. Add message Bookmark. See all. Advertisement device! Why is my postal pcr test taking so long posts: See etst. Please create an account To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Join Mumsnet Log In. Active Watching Home I'm on Search.



Why is my postal pcr test taking so long

  General Questions; Account Creation / Registration; COVID PCR Test Results at someone else's COVID information on MyHealthNB, such as my parents? But, unlike rapid antigen tests, most PCR tests require a laboratory setting and can take up to several days to return a result. If you take a COVID test that needs to be sent to a lab, such as a. PCR test, it may take several days to get your results back.  

After Your Test | COVID Test Results | ExpressTest.

  If you cannot drive yourself to a test centre, you can ask a family member or friend to drive you. There must be enough light for the device to be clearly scanned. They do not need a throat swab.    


- Why is my postal pcr test taking so long


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